
UI Components

The Form component is a user-friendly tool for gathering data and user input, like contact information and surveys. It’s highly customizable and adapts to all devices.


The Form component in the GoodBarber design system is a tool for gathering user input and data. This component provides a user-friendly and visually consistent way to create forms, allowing users to easily fill in and submit information. Whether you need to collect contact information, survey responses, or other types of data, the Form component makes it easy to create professional-looking forms that are optimized for mobile devices.

With support for a wide range of form elements, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more, the Form component is a versatile and flexible solution for creating forms in your app.

Additionally, it has a wide range of options for styling, validation and error handling, which can be used to ensure that the form is easy to use and provides an intuitive experience for the user.



Below, the Shape atom applied with the types Sharp / Rounded / Round.

Title UPTitle IN

Form components with sharp style

Form components with sharp style

Form components with rounded style

Form components with rounded style

Form components with round style

Form components with round style


In the example below, we see the Border atom in a Form. The Focus and Focus Error states are differentiated by their thickness of 2px (the default value is 1px).

All the states of a Text Field are described in the section Text Field / Behavior.

Title UP RoundTitle IN Round

Border according the state

Border according the state


The level of Shadow changes for the states Focus and Focus Error. All states of a Text Field are described in the section Text Field / Behavior.

Drop Shadow

Shadow level 1 (Focus level 2)
Drop Shadow levels 1&2 according the state

Drop Shadow levels 1&2 according the state

Shadow level 2 (Focus level 3)
Drop Shadow levels 2&3 according the state

Drop Shadow levels 2&3 according the state

Inner Shadow

Shadow level -1 (Focus level 2)
Inner Shadow levels 1&2 according the state

Inner Shadow levels 1&2 according the state

Shadow level -2 (Focus level 3)
Inner Shadow levels 2&3 according the state

Inner Shadow levels 2&3 according the state


Vertical spacing between modules of a form are the same on all devices:

Before Section Break40 px
Between fields24 px
Between fields in a group12 px
Between 2 fields side by side1G

The illustration below shows the spacing between elements in a Rounded form on Mobile. Title UP option on the left, Title IN on the right: